Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry holidays! See you in the new year,

Why hello, I want to first apologize for the lack of words this past month, but I plan on making it up to you all. Starting this new year we will go on plenty of exciting new adventures and try out thousands of new ideas I already have planned. I hope you all have a great holiday and a happy New Years eve. Also, I'm sorry for the vague and short structure of a statement you are receiving but I'm busting planning and preparing for the end ofnthis year and the beginning of the next, see you on the new year,
         Ready to set sail (and restart)
                               Ms. Sinking Ship

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Thankful Woman Crush Wednesday 11. 26.14,

This Weeks Woman Crush Wednesday is dedicated to special people in our lives we are thankful for, since tomorrow is thanksgiving, I've decided that a special WCW is in order. I want to see all of the women in all of your lives that you are thankful for, so instead of posting a blog about one woman today you can send pictures and short notes to me, all tonight and tomorrow, of the women of your lives you are thankful for and I will put all of the pictures and notes on the blog as they come tomorrow, I Can't wait to see all of the amazing women in everyones lives.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and get ready to set sail with me,
Ms. Sinking Ship

A Thanksgiving Giving,

I am thank for all of the readers I have and all the customers I have at the KNITche and because of that we will be having sales all weekend and you know all of them a day early! Thank you all for supporting me so diligently and hope to continue to enthrall you all. I will be posting a Women Crush Wednesday this week but it will be more different than any other we have had so far it will be up soon so keep checking the blog for updates.  
         Ready to set sail (and get some sweet deals),
                                               Ms. Sinking Ship

Monday, November 24, 2014

Socks On Sunday,

Yesterday night I spent a few hours playing around with my yarn and what came out of it was great a cute pair of purple fuzzy crocheted socks. I've always found the best things happen when you're not stressing over creating anything, and it's true. I have been stressed for weeks about getting more products out on the market for the KNITche and when I finally stopped stressing out about it and just starting working, things worked out. I hope to get out a step by step Picture crochet pattern soon (because I'm really bad at explaining them, or just reading them for that matter) for you all to use and for those that don't crochet and want a pair they are already up for sale on the Facebook page.
Ready to set sail (and keep my feet warm),
                                                   Ms. Sinking Ship

Monday, November 17, 2014

Finding Inspiration Every Where You Go,

  This weekend I took a trip to Tulsa and while I  was in the city I went on a few mansion tours and to the aquarium, photographing anything I thought might provide even the slightest of inspiration, and some of it did. The usage of the space provided even in mansions was incredible, and the color palettes I found in the aquariums were very influential in a few ideas I have for items I hope to be posting soon.
                             Inspiration is every where, you just have to look for it.
                                               Ready to set sail (and put this inspiration to work),
                                                                                  Ms. Sinking Ship

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Woman Crush Wednesday 11.12.14,

This weeks Woman Crush Wednesday is going to be short and sweet similar to the woman nominated. Today is my mothers birthday so I dedicate this week to her, she has been there for me and helped me through so much these past years, I am so great full to have such an empowering woman like her as a role model and a mother. She is constantley busy volunteering and helping people, She is a woman who is always there for people are rarely asks for anything in return as well as running around doing things to help me and the rest of my family all day, for this and for her birthday she, this week, is my Woman Crush Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Women Crush Wednesday 11.5.14,

 This wednesday we have a very special Woman Crush because it's not just one woman, in fact it's thousands. This week I want to applaud everyone who took part in the anti-Victoria Secret fashion show during lingerie fashion week this past week end.

 I am defiently not for bashing people or companies for their mistakes but I do believe they should be pointed out and not handled lightly. If you are not aware, Victoria Secret recently released the campaign above and though they claim it's supposed to be a play on words since the name of the bra is 'the perfect body bra' it was not perceived that way,  they have now been in the hot seat for about two weeks due to the campaign. Many people were outraged, some so much so that they did something remarkable about it. The show had multiple brands in it as well as multiple body types and situations. The production showcased a pregnant women and a group of women who have recently defeated cancer as well as multiple body types. This show is not only spectacular for the reason that it  protested something so hurtful but it is also for the reason that they applauded these women for how beautiful they all are at the same time. So since they had the courage to applaud and showcase these women, this week I applaud everyone that helped and was apart of this show this past week end.
         Ready to set sail,
                    Ms. Sinking Ship

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Woman Crush Wednesday 10.28.14,

      The woman we're crushing over this wednesday is Emma Watson. This year she became the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador at the age of 24. She is the first of the title and incredibly young to have such a title given to her, She has recently launched her campaign #heforshe and is creating a worldwide change when it comes to the meaning of what it is to be a feminist and who can be one. Watson has shown that in a world of inequality among the sexes that women have the power to make a change for the better, and that is what makes her such an outstanding woman and role model. She has conquered many feats in her life span so far and is on her way to conquer many more.
       As a special honoring for Watson (and due to a small case of writers block) this piece was cowritten by Chase Maudlin.
                    Ready to set sail (and see what she comes up with next),
                                                                                      Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Crutch for the Crippled Conversation,

     Today while in my AP class we talked about (Satire being the original subject) hashtags and what they do to society now in conversation. I realized that this would be a great way to start another idea I had for the blog. Do you think that hashtags help society in conversation and expression ( or in general even) or do you think they have crippled society in its force of few words and illiterate spacing? To tell me you can use the hashtag #thecrutchofsociety on twitter, on the blog in the comments or on Facebook even. Not all of the hashtags will be so 'deep' so to speak, most will likely be craft related, but for trying this idea out I should know how you feel about the basic concept in general first. If this goes well you will see little notes like this in other posts or little questions of the day posted by themselves with a hashtag to identify them with, if it does not go well then the idea was one that will be put away until another rainy day.
             Ready to set sail (and hear all of your thoughts) ,
                                                                    Ms. Sinking Ship

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Woman Crush Wednesday,

    I stated in my update that I wanted to try out some certain week day posts, This, if all goes well, will become one of them. On Wednesdays I will post a WCW in celebration of a woman that is rising up, pushing the boundaries, helping feminism or is just plain awesome. 
     This week our outstanding woman is Mary Lambert, She was on the Macklemore and Ryan Lewis 'Same Love' and earlier this year she released her own album with the song 'secrets' in it as her single. This song is in its self incredible. Though it has a very pop like sound it has very indie style in tone and expression. In this song she talks about being tired of trying to hide and/or change herself to make others happy. Women are constantly being put on the pedestal as perfect and if we aren't that we are asked to change, this song is the beginning of tearing down that problem. She states her flaws and accepts them instead of trying to change herself for everyone else, this is something that should push to show the greatness that is self acceptance. For this reason Mary Lambert is beautiful inside and out making her our Woman Crush Wednesday for this week.

Friday, October 17, 2014

New Products from the KNITche,

New products were recently released on to the KNITches page ( link below ) Three chalk board jars were recently added (and one none decorated on was released but not depicted). While Shooting pictures of these jars I had a little fun and used them to my entertain meant, I thought you guys would find it slightly entertaining as well.

On top of our recent release I am working on some very large chalk jars as well and a few jewlery pieces that will  be up soon. I will be posting pictures once they are done and you can find all of these things with much more at

Ready to set sail and get back to work,
     Ms. Sinking Ship

Artist's Block : A deadly disease

Lately, I have had a horrid case of artist's block for the blog and the company. Along with that, I have had a constant movement of things that needed to get done, so, nothing has gotten done. I apologize for the lack of words the past week or two but I'm going to attempt to beat this block and get it all in track. I think I'm going to try and have certain blogs on certain days those will  hopefully home about within the next week. I'd love to hear feed back from you guys on things you want to read about and things you've already read.
              Ready to set sail and get back on track,
                                            Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Another thought to jot, (the last didn't end well) 9.30

The last thought I had about painting knits did not go well.. It went gross actually. After I've found to have quite the case artists block, for work anyways. Until today I've done nothing for a week and that has cause my brain chaos. A few moments ago I was flipping through Pinterest and I stumbled upon a little girl wearing a dress that was a tutu and a little elastic top for an extreme price. I decided it would be a cute project to try to add in crochet and my flowers as well so that's what I will be working on and hopefully pictures will come from this because last time I forgot.
      Ready to set sail (and working again),
                    Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The best way to find things,

As a creative person, I often go looking for things : inspirations, marketing tips, learning how to do things and so on. People will always tell you to go to youtube that's the one place you'll always find things, I disagree. Youtube is great for many things but, finding exactly what you need in a timely manner not always so much. I've found that the best place to find things for a creative mind is Pinterest, it identifies key words, almost always has multiple options for what you are looking and 95 percent of it is more reliable that gritty video you've spent 10 minutes trying to watch because you couldn't find the better version (because it has give you the best youtube version there). Youtube is definitely a great source and a last resource go to for everything but always try Pinterest first, it saves time and frustration, which if you are like me could use a lot less of.
                     Ready to set sail (and help you save those 10 minutes),
                                                                      Ms. Sinking Ship

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Inspiration in an artillery base, A trip to the museum

Today, I went on to the base that is connected to my town and took a quick trip to the artillery museum; what I found was an extraordinary amount of inspiration I was not expecting. A beautifully aged car, a piece of the Berlin wall and an old war pillow that just caught my eye a little to well. I found it all to be educating on a history level but also, inspiring in a new light I would love to create and maybe embroider a pillow that looks similar to above and the Berlin wall is such an artisic kiss off to the government that I can't handle the excitement and momentum to work it brings to me. As for the car, I have a love for odd antiques and old cars is definetly one of them. I own a not so antique '87 ford and it is a very large love and inspiration of mine, so seeing a beauty like the pontiac above makes me want to scream from the roof top (especially,  since it's a favorite color of mine.) All of these things gave me a few ideas that I can't wait to start.
                  Ready to set sail (and work),
                              Ms. Sinking Ship!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A quick thought to jot,

I've been thinking a lot into trying to paint on some extra squares of crochet I have. If all works right it'll seem together to create enigmatic (word of the day) colors, though I'm afraid of the mess it might create, (I'm good at creating not so much cleaning) I plan to try tonight and if all goes well pictures will be up soon. 
    Ready to set sail and paint the sky,
             Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Into the fashion glass

First off don't judge my title.. I'm working on it. Second of all, this might not stay up any ways, I'm indecisive if I want this to be the first fashion post or not. I'm very intrigued (overly obsessed if you've seen my fashion pinterest board) with things like pastel goth and grunge. My outfit was inspired by that and my love for Alice in Wonderland. I wore a Disney Alice in Wonderland sweater and Disney Alice in wonderland tights, in between those I wore a longish black circle skirt at my waist. I found this outfit to unexpectedly comfortable and was fun to wear as well. 
Ready to set sail (and fall into a rabbit hole), Ms. Sinking Ship

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thrifty finds 8.21

This week on my way to buy supplies for a job, the mother and I(my little sister as well)  saw a yard sale and had to stop to look. I found quite the haul, and plenty of things I can not wait to use in products and DIY for you guys.

These jars are something I'm very excited for i plane on covering the pictures with chap paint and covering the lid with flowers and things to create a very cute new modern and sweet jar to hold a variety of things. I'll definitely be posting them up soon as a finished product along with the many other things these things i found will create. the glass jar was full of gorgeous vintage buttons and the pink box vintage handmade hair bows even that i need to find something to do with.  
    well, I'm ready to set sail - Ms. Sinking Ship.

A cute weekend work (from 8.17.14)

Saturday morning I had an idea, you know one of those off the wall random in the middle of doing something ideas? Well, it was one of those so I  finished what I was doing and I pulled out all of my yarn, ribbons, and craft-y  knickknacks and I got to work, making a medium sized crochet and felt teddy bear all the way down to the hand-embroidered nose. After I'm finished it will have a bow beside it's ear and a big one for another person to match it as well but i'm over half way there and ready finish this project up. (:  if you want to get a better look or even buy one you can go here :
          ready to set sail - Ms. Sinking Ship

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A welcome and An Explanation!

Ahoy! You might have followed my blog before you might have not. I recently moved over from weekly because I didn't like how they were set up I will soon carry over those blog posts and many more that were in the process of being made. I'm sorry for the inconvenience of the change of site. There are still many things to be done to this blog to make it a nice as the last ( though it wasn't that nice any ways if were being honest. ) So, be prepared and keep looking for the great changes and updates to come. I'm so excited to further our voyage even if it was set off track, I'll talk to you all soon.
                  So ready to set sail, Ms. Sinking Ship