Tuesday, March 29, 2016

DIY Color Block Clipboard


I have loved color blocking and I have for a while now, I've been wanting to do a tutorial on it for almost a year now and I finally found something to do it with finally! 

This clip board has been through all kinds of disastrous remodeling (you should have seen the 80's stickers from my mom that I had to scrape off of the back) and it is once again time for a change, and this time one for better not worse. 

To do this I used:
  • My clipboard (obliviously)
  • Something to put my paint on
  • Paint
  • A paint brush (the bigger the better because it covers more space and makes more evenly distributed)
  • I didn't use anything for this but if you need help making a straight line or are using another color on the other side, some type of tape to tape off the edge.


This is what the clipboard looks like before I did anything to it, it was covered in duct tape from that put duct tape absolutely everything you own then from a few years ago.

If you have anything on the clip board (or surface if you are just using this as a basic color blocking tutorial)  you are redoing make sure to remove it.

Then take your paint and put it on your plate/palette/or anything you decided to use to put paint on and then get plenty of the paint on your brush


This is the part where if you need to tape down to keep your line straight you do so, then make a line half way across the tape half way on your clipboard. 
If you aren't using tape to make a straight line draw a line straight across where you want the line of color to be everything below that line will be filled in. Then you fill it in. You may have to do multiple layers of the paint to get the color you want, if you o say make sure to wait until the paint is completely dry before you paint another layer or you will just end up rubbing paint around and making the overall painting very spotty. 


I ended up doing multiple coats but this is the first finished layer I did, I did the back as well where the checkered ductile was as well however it is not on here because I had to scrub Hannah Montana and other varies sticker collages off the back before I could paint it, but I follow the same process on the back if you plan to do so as well. I hopes this helps in any of your color blocking endeavors, again I;'m exciting to be back writing again!
Ready to Set Sail (and do stuff that is soon to be revealed!),
                                                                                 Ms. Sinking Ship

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Update - 031616

Hey Guys! I am once again sorry for the delay in blog posts, there were a few setbacks and then just poor motivation, but excuses are lame so in all honesty I'm just a poor person sometimes and this is one of those times. I have some posts coming soon that I just haven't posted yet, as well as, I do plan on doing better with the blog, as I said at the beginning of the year that is still a goal of mine and it is never to late to actually do that so I'm going to be working on posting more and making the blog more awesome! I can't wait to actually feel like I'm not failing you guys anymore!
Ready to Set Sail (and be somewhat consistent), 
                                                                            Ms. Sinking Ship