Sunday, April 24, 2016

Exploration and Experimentation

{It's kind of odd because when I am thinking about what I want to say for this post I always have all of these ideas and I have this great article all planned out in my head but every time I actually sit down to write it I can no longer remember any of the things I was originally going to say. So with that being said, hopefully if I just starting winging it, at least most of it will come back to me, also fun fact about all of the posts on this blog, after I write them the first time I search for little errors like spelling or missing words but I don't actually re-read through it before I post it. }

I've come to a point in my life where there's a lot of things I want to do and try and write about but I always feel like, maybe they don't match with one another or maybe that is different from what I have been doing and it's kept me from doing a lot of things, I've also noticed that I can't necessarily decide on what I want to do anyway so putting those things off are kind of dumb, the point being, I've decided that I am going to try all of it, for a lack of better words at the moment, because why not, nothing is holding me back. For the next few forevers, (I don't know exactly how this journey if you will, will last) I am going to try new things, reestablish and just enjoy my life, and I am going to record it all, on all of my various connected platforms, while doing so, finding my voice in all of the things I do because right now it's a confused jumbled mess. 

With all of that being said, I want to hear from you on all of it, things you do like, things you definitely don't, I want to know what is working and what isn't so I can keep making the content you guys are enjoying and start cutting out the stuff you don't. The posts are most likely going to be all over the place and a mess, they will also not have any other explanation other than this heads up, so you know now what is going on when you see all of them. I'm very excited to start this sort of project and I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I already am. To kick things off - here is a poorly done, out of focus, speed-painting, water color video I did earlier this week. 

Ready to set sail (and hopefully make sense in all of this),
                                                      Ms. Sinking Ship

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Pinned Up - Most Pinned of the Week

I think we can all agree how great Pinterest is, so I thought it would be fun to do a simple sweet post about something Pinterest related on Sunday's, this week it is the most pinned photo I've had this week.
This is a picture Mollie makes posted a few months ago, I loved the sequined detail and the sleeves and have been planning on trying it some time soon, apparently so is every one else because it was pinned 22 times and liked 7 times.
I think this segment will be cute and I'm excited to play around with the idea, and try this picture out for my self as well,
Ready to set sail (and get pinning),
                                Ms. Sinking Ship