Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Back On Track,

It truly has felt like forever since our last encounter, and it has been forever since any actual posts have been made, however, we're finally back (For now at least)! MY computer troubles seem to be no longer and how relieved I am for that! As well as, I don't know how many of you remember, but I few months ago I spoke of some changes that were going to be made with the lay out of the site, this is also under way and is very close to being ready! And the new year is coming as well, and with that other exciting changes, I will be doing a lot more collaborating with SWAT Entertainment for those that enjoyed the halloween vlogs back in October / November, and next year I am going to be starting a series similar to the daily drawings I did of my outfits earlier this year, except with an Art Journal I am going to be working on. 

I hope to get back on track with everything after all of the ups and downs this year has brought with the blog and I can't wait for the new year, I have a few posts that I want to make over the next few days about the new years and things like that, and I will also try to start up some of the videos again sometime soon as well! 

Ready to Set Sail (and get on with things  so this post will eventually have some point),
                                                                     Ms. Sinking Ship

Friday, November 6, 2015

Southern Belles Photography (Review?),

Being a senior in High School nowadays, one thing that is often entailed are senior pictures. I had the opportunity to become a senior representative of and have mine taken by Southern Belles Photography, the entire expirence was great. The entire process took place over the course of three days spread over a few weeks.

It started with our first meeting this is when I got to know the photographers, Rachel and Ashley. After meeting we discussed things I enjoy, what settings I prefer to be in, (rural or urban) and various other things to get ideas of  what I want out of my pictures and where to take them, we also decided on times and dates during the first meeting, which later had to be changed due to problems on my part (which they were very understanding and helpful with when it came to rescheduling I might add). 

Then came the shoot, I met them early one morning within a few weeks of the last date,  we met on a rooftop and there is where I showed them my outfits and decided which ones would work best for the shoot, then I sat down and had my hair and make up done professionally. Once that was done we spent a little over two hours running around the Brick Town area of Oklahoma City finding cute nooks and crannies to take pictures, they both would shoot pictures as I posed and joked around in the spots we found, then by lunch we were done.

 After that date I don't see them until two weeks later when I got to see all of the pictures they've taken (All of which turned out incredible and I can't wait to post more when I can). In this last meeting we discussed the packages I could choose from to buy and other things about the pictures and experiences, as well as a few more things about being their senior representative. They also provided snacks at this meeting which was great because food is always a bonus. 

One of the best things was being we did not have to buy anything right then, they actually encourage you to take a day or two to think about all of the packages before deciding that way you can get the most for your money, instead of being like most photography places and trying to force you into buying things before you have a chance to throughly look things over. 

Over all the entire experience was awesome, I know I don't write reviews and things like this very often but this was something that after my experience with them I would recommend them to everybody, and so, I am. If you live in the Oklahoma Area I would severely suggest looking into Southern Belles Photography, because I give them two thumbs up and if you are interested in them you can find them on their website right here:

to get information and contact them about setting up dates for yourself as well!

I'm ready to set sail (and finish the two other posts I wanted to write this week),
                                                                                  Mrs. Sinking Ship

P.S. I enjoyed writing this review for you guys and it is something I've been wanting to try out, what did you guys think. I know all of this new stuff I've been talking about is a slow process but I'm really liking a lot of this and I want to hear if you like it too. (:

Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween with SWAT Entertainment,

{So blogging for October was a bust I'm sorry about that and i'm also sorry I haven't gotten up every thing I've promised to get up lately. Things are about to get pretty awesome though, just wait! }

Hey Mates! How was your Halloween? Mine was fairly interesting, I spent the night with a portion of the Youtube team SWAT Entertaintment and that was pretty neat, we vloged through out the night and I thought it would be cool to share with you! Also, check their other videos out as well, they're a pretty funny bunch, and I'll be helping with some of their upcoming videos to which are going to be pretty spiffy if I do say so myself so keep and eye on them. Along with that, a short update, there will be several posts out over the next few days that I am pretty excited for as well so keep an eye on the blog for that!
Ready to Set Sail (and with out a further au due),
SWAT Entertainment and Mrs. Sinking Ship

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Best Horror Story Sites,

{ Life Update: I apologize for it being a two weeks in to October and we're just starting, I made homecoming court and was offered a job at the beginning of the month and they have kept me just a little busy, BUT these  next two weeks, oh you just wait, they are going to be SO spooky. }

You can't start off October without the urge to read scary/horror stories, so that's what we are going to start with, the top places I have found for horror stories and other related things:

creepypasta.com / creepypasta.org

I haven't been on the actual creepy pasta sites more than a handful of times but most of the horror stories I have read stemmed from these sites so I felt they should be first. Creepypasta.com came first and then creepypasta.org was later created, they both have a very large variety of horror along with forums as well, they've begun many urban legends and have been around for a decent amount of time so there's plenty of neat history in them to learn on top of all of their stories.


This horror stories are the ones you want to read if you want something you have to think about after, there's one or two stories I've read recently that I still haven't quite figured out yet.

Other than these three specifically there are a large amount of Facebook pages that contain really good stories and things that are always interesting. The ones I've found that I like the most are the creepy pasta pages, because they pick out some of the better stories from the sites and they hold some interesting pictures of abandoned building and urban legend that are connected to them, things like that. 

This post was kind of short but these sites take hours to go through and always have something good going on, I hope you guys get just as many chills from them as I do, 

Ready to Set Sail (and record some of the other ideas I have for you), 
                                                               Ms. Sinking Ship

Sunday, September 27, 2015

We've Been a Blog for a Year Now?

Mateys, I have been waiting for October for a lot of reasons, (its like the greatest month ever) one being that I thought it was around the time I start my blog last year and I was super excited to do something really fun and cool for it and it was going to be awesome, how ever, when I was looking today I noticed that I actually started my blog earlier this month on the 10th and so I missed it. Who cares though I'm going to celebrate anyways,

and to add to that, I'll tell you a few fun things that will be coming!
First off, there are going to be some updates on the site because I have been working on that, once I get it how I like it there will be some more fun stuff going on and the little bit of everything we have on the site will be easier to find.
Second off, more videos are coming, I have been working on that as well, most of them will be more makeup tutorials because those were super fun and you all seemed to enjoy them, but there will be a lot of other things as well.
And lastly, I will doing something fall / halloween-like at least once a week for the entire month of October so get ready for that bundle of joy. I don't know if you guys love October as much as I do but   if you don't your probably going to enjoy it even less after I shove all of this October joy down your throat.

I can wait to get started and spend another year with you guys! I'm sorry this post was all of the place, but I'm just super stoked for all of the things that are about to start coming, I hope you guys enjoy them just as much as I do.

Ready to Set Sail (and get my Halloween on),
                                                        Ms. Sinking Ship

Friday, September 4, 2015

Blogger Tips From Someone who Blogs: Best Blogging Sites!

From someone who not only reads blogs but keeps one up as well, I am constantly on the look out for the best websites to keep my blog up on (other then maybe having your own domain) because the worst thing in the world is having to try to make the best out of something you can't stand using because you can't find anything else. 

I have tried a decent amount of them, and I've come to conclusions about which ones are the most fun and efficient to use, for me any ways.  I'm making this today to help any one else that also seems to have the worst of luck finding something that fits well with them and their blog starting from the 
best-ish to the worst-ish. 


1. Blogspot

 I have had problems with Blogspot, it is not always the greatest thing ever but it is reliable and very customizable, along with that there aren't any hidden fees or anything and there are ways to make money off of your blog as well. The  only downsides I've seen are complications with coding when it comes to customization, it takes some time to get used to and figure out how to do those things but it is nothing a little problem-solving can't fix. 

2. Tumblr

The only reason this isn't number one is because it's more of a social media site than a blogging site, but I made one early today because it was the only think I hadn't tried but I constantly hear awesome things so I decided to try it out before I made this post and I love it. It's a little bit difficult to navigate right at first but once you get this gist of it, it is really easy and pretty fun. Above is mine and you can follow me on there as well as mssinkingship of course, I'll probably do a decent amount of blogging on there as well. It is pretty customizable and there is tons of things to work with, if you're looking for something not quite so serious for a blog this is definitely the first place you should try.

3. Wix

So I tried this site the other day and it is pretty interesting, there are quite a few downsides though and it ends up getting complicated. For one, there isn't a trash can so you are unable to get rid of anything that was on the original template you might not have wanted. Also, it does have an apps section where you can add all kinds of cool things to your blog, but a decent amount of them you have to pay for and if you are on a budget you can't always afford all of that. 
The only other downside is that for your domain name it gives you it lists their site before yours and that can seem less professional the other way around. Wix has some cool things to use like some of the templates they have and animation effects, things like that etc, but it the long run there is more hassle than anything else when it comes to this site.

4. Weebly

For those of you that have been reading my blog for it's pretty close to entirety, you will most likely know that it originally started out on Weebly. This site is perfect for a blog just starting out, if you just want to dip your toes into the whole thing, or if you're unsure you really want to commit to any type of thing that's this nature. It is fairly easy but really isn't all to customizable. Weekly isn't the worst but it really isn't something you would hold a blog at for a long period of time.

5. WordPress

I had always heard that if you want your blog to be successful use Wordpress, so eventually a few months ago I had been irritated with bloodspot and I thought it might be a good time to give it a try. I was so frustrated with all of it after the first 10 minutes I have never gone to the site again. I'm sure it's a lot easier and customizable if you buy the packages for your websites from them BUT not everyone (me included) has the money to drop $50 on a website so I can change the layout. That is ridiculous for one and two I've done decently well on Blogspot and never had to shell out large amounts of money to do so. I know people who use it and love it so this one is purely biased as most of these are but for someone who can't spend a bunch of money and want something to be even the slightest bit personal, I wouldn't use Wordpress. 

These are the blogs I've used and the major pros and cons I've had with them.  A lot of the factors in this has to do with customization because that is a big part of blogging and creating a brand for your self, I hope this gives any one who is thinking of starting a blog or wanting to switch from the site they use now.

Ready to Set Sail (and keep playing with my Tumblr),
                                               Ms. Sinking Ship

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Story Time! (kind of),

Ahoy-o fellows! 

    So lately I have been working on the beginnings of illustrating a manga for my boyfriend and I have also very slowly been working on a sister-type series of novels, and just for funzies I was wondering if that would be something you guys would be interested in seeing. We do a large variety of things here at Ms. Sinking Ship and I thought it would be cool to show you guys the process of how this manga will be made and put up the chapters and everything as they come? and if you guys wanted me to put the chapters of my books up (because I do really need to get back to writing those)? Also, along with that I was thinking about updating the site a little and maybe changing things and moving some stuff around making it more organized with pages and stuff any ideas with that? and lastly, what did you guys think of the videos and do you want more, if you do what do you want to see more make up tutorials or other things as well? Sorry this actually wasn't much of any story I just named it that because it was originally just about the books and manga, but it is things that I would really love to hear you guys opinions on since there are becoming more and more people that read my blog every day. Please comment, snapchat, tweet, what ever your ideas or even email them to me if any of that seems to indirect, I would just love to hear some feed back on all of this stuff so we can get things going. (:
Ready to set sail (and never put a smiley face in a blog post again),
                                                                                            Ms. Sinking Ship

Monday, August 17, 2015

Tips To Bloggers From Some One Who Reads Them,

I read a lot of blogs, I see them as an inspiration to get me going and also as a hopefully someday peer or something like that, I also read blogs as a way to make my blog better, because if you are trying to do your best at something you have to try to see it from all sides not just one. I read blogs in hopes to see what does and does not appeal and things like that. Something I have seemed to notice over the past few weeks is that there is something to a blog that will always make it seem of more importance than others and I will share this something with you all, 

This something is pictures. Good Pictures to be a little bit more specific, something that might not have something specifically to do with what is being talked out but something that might have words written over it or something with a pretty background, possibly an image that helps add to the post or just something that has really good lighting. These pictures are always what grab the attention more than anything else. They are how you begin to draw the attention of the audience and how you continue to keep it until they are attached through some kind of connection or enjoyment with your blog. 

I have found that these pictures are a large pieces to the whole blogging thing and that they are in every way, shape, and form helpful, so,  use those pictures like there is no tomorrow. The worst thing that could happen is that they might become just slightly misleading if you do not use them carefully. 
I hope you guys find this helpful in some way or another if you like the advice let me know because I could always use some as well, and one more thing, what do you guys think blogs that have multiple pages? that's one of those things that I've never seemed to figure out when it comes to how helpful there are or not so I would love to here it from you.
Ready to Set Sail (and search for more tips),
                                                        Ms. Sinking Ship

Sunday, August 16, 2015

What Having My Wisdom Teeth Removed Has Done,

Friday morning I had the joy of having my wisdom teeth removed, though it has probably been one of the lamest experiences of my life there has been some good that has come out of it. I've gotten to do nothing for a few days, which has been heaven, but I have also had a lot of time to sit and think about things, watch Netflix and catch up on Pinterest.  All of which has opened my eyes to some things (and has also given me some cool ideas of things I want to work on).

One of the things I watched was a documentary on Youtubers and as you guys know I have been using Youtube lately for some of my blog stuff and just testing it out because it just always looks like so much fun, Well, I realized while watching this that I make myself so 'professional', for a lack of a better word, here on the blog, I'm almost putting up a wall between us and that is the least amount of fun ever. I am always precise and careful (or I unintentionally try to be) instead of just being myself and I really don't like that I am being that way. I want to share my perspective of the world with you as we venture through all kinds of fun things instead of just shoving some words on a page in hopes you might get what I am vaguely trying to accomplish. 

So as an odd Wisdom Teeth being removed kind of resolution or how ever you want to say it, I am over trying to be anything but my already awkward self. 
Ready to Set Sail (and live a little),
                Ms. Sinking Ship

 On another note though another movie I watched was a french romantic comedy based in the 1950's and it was absolutely adorable, if you ever want something off the beaten path to watch this is certainly it,  the story is engaging and the style is spot on and beautiful through every seen. 
If you ever have the time it was called Populaire and it is an eventual must see, not only is it fun to watch but it is inspiring in every crafter way.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Final Grab Bag of the Sale!

Okay guys the last bag of the sale is here! This months sale went by so fast, I really hop you guys check out this last grab bag because it was definitely my favorite back to make and it's pretty cool in my opinion as well.  It includes:
One Crochet drawstring bag that can be customize with any two colors just list which ones you'd like when you buy them. 

One long circle scarf that will match the bag, perfect for keeping you warm when it starts getting chilly on fall nights.

One Elegant bow, the one shown is an example but you might not end up with they are personalized to fit with the colors of the bag as well and were created to add the perfect accents to you hair on those special days.

and lastly,

One Crochet Teddy Bear, also created to match the bag and the other contents inside.

I hope you guys enjoyed the sale, I have some new stuff coming up as well that I hope you guys like and check us out again tomorrow for some awesome stuff I have inshore for you guys!
Ready to Set Sail (and add this to etsy),
                          Ms. Sinking Ship

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Tutorial Tuesday on a Thursday?

Ahoy Friends, I'm sorry but this weeks tutorial will not be coming out, at this moment in time at least, it will happen eventually but not right now. I do want to do a natural look and I am trying really hard to keep on schedule, but this week was a definite bust. 

On Tuesday when I was going to record it and post it I ended up having to do all kinds of stuff because there was a family emergency (things ended up going awry there to but alls well that ends well I guess), then on Wednesday I recorded the video outside, I thought it would be fun to be in nature for our natural look, but surprisingly trying to do my make up in extreme heat was not fun, (who'd have known right?) my make up was melting off my face as I was putting it on. Then even though everything turned out okay seemingly, the video was all messed up from me trying some different angles, and in the end I just decided it was best to not put it up. This next weeks will be here for sure I hope it all goes well and you guys in joy it. 
until then or before then actually for a few other posts that are planned,

Ready to Set Sail (and get this figured out),
                                              Ms. Sinking Ship

Monday, August 3, 2015

Only Two Weeks Left and This Weeks Bag Is,


This weeks Grab Bag is here and it is super awesome, it comes with

• 4 of our yet to be released purple line bows, all perfect for adding something to your hair to make it a little bit more magical than it already will be, even on those hot days where you'd rather be in the air condition but you're not.

• 1 Cable-knitted waist belt accented with a vintage stones, to add pizzazz to outfits made for those classier moments.

• 1 Pencil Pouch with a vintage brass button, to keep all of your items nice and neat even when everything else during your school year anything but.

and all items will be made to match the specifications of your pencil pouch, you can specify the color you want used in the letter to me at the end of your purchase rather than in the variations to keep all of your options and varied as possible.

If you aren't familiar with where to get this bag and your interested it check out:

To find this and all of our other sweet items.
Along with that I do have some fun new items that will soon be in store for The Knitche and some cool stuff I'll 'be doing here as well so keep an eye on that. I'll be back tomorrow for Tutorial Tuesday where we are going to be doing an awesome natural look.
Ready to set sail (and see you all tomorrow),
                                                       Ms. Sinking Ship 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tutorial Tuesday and This Weeks Grab Bag,

Hey guys! This weeks' grab bag is finally out! Along with the tutorial for this week as well! I apologize for the lateness of both I've been having some electronic complications yesterday and early today but hopefully it is all worked out now. This weeks grab bag doesn't have a lot to it but it has plenty of personality to make up for it! This weeks tote is completely customizable from all of the colors used to the embroidered initial in the front, and long with that tote comes to crocheted collars, one scalloped and one original to compliment any shirt, to match, this tote comes with one more thing to add to those and that is it's soft ball style bow, this bow will keep you accessorized while your hair is up and out of the way on hotter days, you can get this grab bag on my Etsy of course and the link for that if you do not know it already is

Now on to the tutorial! (Didn't you love those salesmen skills) This week I did a modified classic look, it still has your basic light eyeshadow and winged eyeliner but instead of red lipstick I went for a bright pink just for fun. I want to apologize for the lips portion of the video, like I said I've been having technology problems and that was part of it but I hope you enjoy it anyways, next weeks will be a natural type look and will hopefully turn out better than this one if you guys have any ideas or comments for that let me know. The products I used for this tutorial were:

Base Eyeshadow: NYX Avant Pop Palette, surreal my heart, white
Crease Eyeshadow: NYX Avant Pop Palette, surreal my heart, silver
Eye Liner: SmashBox Gel Liner in Deep Black
Lip Liner: NYX Lip Liner Crayon in 835 (Pinky)
Lip Color: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in 18 (Prague)

So just so you are all aware I didn't actually mean to use all of the same brand it just kind of happened, so just enjoy that there. I'll be back later this week with a back to school shopping clothing haul which should be fun, and if you really miss me until then you can check out my snapchat: cherishhornbeck
for every day stuff and possibly some fun promo codes for those who add me!
Ready to Set Sail (and get everything working,)
                                                             Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tutorial Tuesday? Back to school make up,

Hey Guys! So, today I wanted to try one of the new ideas I have for the blog, and I figured a great way to do it would be to throw it in with all of the other awesome back to school stuff I'm going to be doing over the next four weeks leading up to the beginnings of school, if it all goes well I'll most likely keep doing them because it was pretty fun to make. I do however want to apologize for the video already because I was having some problems with my allergies when filming it so I sound gross and also pause mid way through every sentence. There's already a lot of things I want to do to improve the following next three (and hopefully more) videos that will follow this one, so just bare with me while I try to figure out the best way to get these going for you guys. With out further adieu,
Back-to-School Make up tutorial: Color Pop Smokey Eye (I'm still working on the names too, don't judge me)

This video can also be found on our Youtube channel (We have one of those?!) Along with more of the videos to come and maybe some other cool stuff I might try out in the next few months for the blog. As for all of the products used: 

Base Shadow: Smashbox Pop Studio Ultimate Palette - Frost
Crease Shadow: Smashbox Pop Studio Ultimate Palette - Fizz
Above Crease Shadow: NYX Avant Pop Art Throb Palette - Purple 
Eye liner: Smashbox Gel Liner - Deep Black
Mascara: Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes - Black
Blush: Smashbox Pop Studio Ultimate Palette - Passion
Lips: Tarte Lip Surgence - Light Color? 

That's it for this tutorial, I hope you guys like it there will be at least three more, if you guys have any specific looks you want me to do for back to school or have any feedback at all on the video I'd love to hear it and if not I'll see you guys later this week for more back to school fun,
Ready to set sail (and keep the fun coming), 
                                                             Ms. Sinking Ship 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Back to school grab bags!

Ahoy fellows! For the next few weeks we are going to be doing a lot of hopefully, fun back-to-school stuff for you guys, we're going to have make up tutorials, fashion tips, etc. and to make all of that even better The KNITche is going to grab bags each week instead of a back-to-school sale, all of them slightly similar but different to the ones before it. All of the bags will be of the same price range and for that week only so if you want the bag, you have to grab it before it's to late! How ever, you will not know what each weeks grab bag looks like until that week, this weeks is shown above. I will be nice though and tell you the basic contents of each bag each week so you have a basic idea of the ones you might want to check out.

Week One: Pencil / Make up Bag (w/ vintage crystal buttons)
3 Yet-to-be Released Purple Line Bows
1 of our more elegant Bows
1 Scalloped Long Finger Knitted Scarf

Week Two: Knitted tote bag
1 Softball Style Bow
1 Crochet Orginal Styled Collar
1 Scalloped Collar

Week Three: Long Pencil Pouch
1 Cable-Knitted Waist Belt w/ Vintage Stones
4 Yet-to-be Released Purple Line Bows

Week Four: Drawstring Bag
1 Crochet and Felt Bear 
1 Elegant Bow
1 Basic Circle Scarf

This week you can customize the bag by picking the color of the pencil/ make up bag all of the other items are based around, so which ever color you pick from our variations, all of the items with coordinate with the bag in some way or another. 
You can get more detailed pictures and order here: 

Along with These grab bags how ever, there will be fun little promo codes on here, my instagram, the KNITches instagram and many other places for fun little sales and things so keep your eye out for those. I can't wait to see how these next few weeks go with this and with the other little experiments we are going to try here on the blog! 
Ready to set sail (and send off the rest of this weeks posts),
                                                                            Ms. Sinking Ship

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Thing Everyone Seems to Miss About the #dontjudgechallenge

So the basis of the #don'tjudge or #dontjudgemechallenge is not to judge a book by its cover, many people how ever are seeming to miss or forget the examples that are commonly used to teach CHILDREN what that means, there are many people groaning and moaning over this challenge because they claim it's calling people with acne, glasses, etc. ugly, but if we thing of the original meaning of the phrase it is doing quite the contrary. 

As a child growing up your taught this phrase and the most common example people use to teach this is stories like the ugly duckling or to think of some 'nerdy' or less then average person and then to always be nice to that person because even thought they have their less than perfect qualities now, someday they might not be that way, And that is exactly what these videos do, they aren't calling anyone ugly or saying that these things are bad (to be literal they don't say anything at all), the only people that are doing so, are the ones trying to critique these videos. Instead, these videos are showing the example we are taught, in the beginning they are normal or not the most attractive but after a period of time and 'treatments' or whatever, they turn out to not be that way in the end. They grow and change into something people swoon over instead of being who they were before. They are trying to show that you should care for them one way because they might be other eventually. 

I'm not saying we should praise the videos because there are other ways to show this, but we should definitely not look so poorly on them because the original intentions of the videos were good.
Ready to set sail (and get off the soap box),
                                                   Ms. Sinking Ship

P.S. Fun back to school stuff is coming soon!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Books, Haircuts, and Business,

So this post has been written as many different things already but everything sounded weird when written down and I realized it was because you fellows have no idea what is going on in my life anymore. SO, I'll let you in on what's been going on and all of the crazy things that are in motion at this moment.

1. I'm writing a series of books on WattPad
So lately I've been working on a horror/thriller love story on WattPad (sounds kinda messy but it's not that horrible I promise). Along with that story I've been writing another book that is another main characters point of view of the same situations, they are being written at the same time so you can see both reactions and both sides to every situation around the same time. If you are interested in either, there named IdolIzed and Her Eyes, they are updated every Thursday and Wednesday (or that's when they're supposed to be updated. You guys know how awful I am at deadlines).

2. I cut off all my hair
This one was supposed to be an entire entry on it's own but every time I wrote it out, it sounded like an informercial and that was weird, the reason I am writing it in the first place is because of the impact it made on me. I have had my hair short before, but I was young and did not take a lot of care of my hair when it came to doing it, so it was horrible. This is the first time since childhood that I have had it short at all. My hair was below my chest and almost to the end of my back, when I cut it, it came to right above my shoulders I instantly felt some type of relief (mostly because my hair was heavy) but also because I was no longer doing my hair for everyone else it was for me, and as the days grew I became more and more relieved, then I became confident My haircut gave me that pushed I needed to feel free with myself, and to push my self to become more of who I wanted to be. It sounds cliche and even a little bit silly I know, but it's true. It made me feel good and in return I did everything else good as well. 

3. I've been working on getting my business together
As you guys know I am the owner of The KNITche and lately I have been working hard to get it out there and getting things sold. We now have an Etsy, a Facebook, and as of yesterday we now also have an instagram. New things are being made daily and new items are posted as soon as possible after that, so hopefully, with that production rate and all of our out put on social media we should be going at a steady pace soon, a steady pace that I am definitely excited for.

All of this has been keeping me from writing often but so has the fact that I'm not exactly happy with blogger and I feel like my writing is not accomplishing quite what I'm trying to get across, I do enjoy blogging and would like to continue to do so, but with all of that in might at the moment, I might not post as frequently as I would in other situations. I hope you understand and continue to enjoy the blog even with these minor setbacks.
- ready to set sail,
                          Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I'm Back!

Hey guys, it's been a few months sorry to stop posting so abruptly for such a decent amount of time I got busy for one and two I couldn't find anything to write about. I was trying to pressure myself to write specifically about things and not what I truly felt. That sounds silly because I never really posted much anyways, but it was more of a self revalation thing rather than anything else, but I've come over that and I'm no longer doing ten thousand things constantly, (just maybe five thousand things instead.) and I'm excited to actually get this blog up and running! I'll start posting soon, I may have segments or they may just be random, I have had a lot of ideas and I want to try all of them so things may be kinda crash course for a while but it'll definitely keep things interesting! My post may range from little things like what's going on that day or a little bit of photography taken, something like that to big things like DIY tutorials or reviews on things who knows! I'm ready to get going and finally see what's in store. I hope all of you are still on board with me too.
                              Ready to (actually) set sail,
                                                         Ms. Sinking Ship

Monday, March 9, 2015

0309 Pinterest obsession: tumblr journals,

I've always had a joy for scrapbooking, collages, and journals. I've also always had a love for odd pictures, sayings. etc. These journals bring all of that together in the cutest manner and I can't stop obsessing over them, within the last week I filled my Pinterest with thousands of these pictures, now I've sat through and picked my favorites to show you. You can find all of these on my Pinterest or just pin them from here if you like them too. I'll be trying ideas I have from some of these soon and can't wait to see how they turn out.
Now I'm ready to set sail (and keep pinning!),
                                                                 Ms. Sinking Ship

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mini March Mood Board,

The month of March is odd, it's the transition month between winter and spring, so everything about March could be unexpected. It leaves the feeling of risks and wanting to take chances. It also means ELLEs spring fashion magazine, which is exciting and inspiring. My mood board as of this moment for March isn't large, but it might grow. At the moment it's just inspiration and the beginning of a little expectation. Just the way March isn't.

1st: I have my ELLE magazine. This is by far my favorite issue probably every year. The ads are always creative and give me ideas for color schemes or things to try and create based off of trends I notice; and the articles are a little bit more drastic than the ones written the rest of the year, which entertain me. As you can see I'm already beginning to go through it and tag my favorite articles and ads I've found so far, but I'm barely have way through the book so there is definitely more to come. 
This leads me to my second item,
2nd: Flag like sticky notes. I recently received this on an issue of Mollie Makes. I have a thing for sticky notes, I don't know why, but I have to tag and write about everything so they come in handy when I don't want to write or dog tag on the pages. These though, I am enjoy particulary well. The shape is more convient than the average square and it makes my tags look nice while still having enough room to make little notes on them. 
3rd: My labels. I use these as an expectation and a goal almost to help me keep creating. There are so many I have yet to use and that makes me want to create more. This month I'm determined to work on them and use as many of my labels as possible.
4th: My new Snake arm band, I have an odd love for snakes and I plan on getting one in the distant future when I'm more settled. I also enjoy little pieces of jewelry like this even though I don't wear a lot of it when I do I like to express an odd sides of me that aren't normally shown.
5th: My Pierce The Veil wrist band, Pierce the Veil is probably one of my favorite bands and I get to see them again this month which makes me incredibly excited and pumped. Their shows are always exciting and inspiring, making it an entire month joy anytime there near my town.
And last my
 6th item: The iPad mini I have shown. This is probably more of a life line than my phone. I do a large amount of work from my iPad, gathering ideas, researching, drawing, reading, writing, editing photos, I do all of it on my iPad, so it's shown because it is like my left leg most of the time and so it could a mood board probably dedicated all to itself.

Just a heads up. With all of this,  I am already working on and conjuring up a few more blogs that you all will enjoy that will be released later this week. I usually do not add things like this unless it's an update but since it has to do with items on my mood board why not keep you in the loop?
I'm ready to set sail (and continue into the month of march),
                                                      Ms. Sinking Ship

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Making Elastic Headbands,

Headbands can sometimes be ridiculously expensive, and so I decided to make my own. 
You will need : 
Hot Glue Gun

(1) First you need about a 4-inch piece of elastic then (2) you need a long strand of ribbon, for the easiest way of measurement wrap it around your head and come to right behind your ears for the best fit. (3) After you have these pieces you will take the glue gun and put a decent amount of glue on the edge of the elastic, (4) next you will place the ribbon in the spot where the glue is, let it set for a second and then press down, because of the materials that are in the two pieces the hot glue seems to create a seal when you look at it. You'll want to  repeat steps 3 and 4 on the other side before continuing. (5) Following that cut 2 2-3 inch pieces of ribbon, (6) these you are going to you use to cover the ends giving your headband a more clean and finished look. Add glue to the end section wear  your ribbon and elastic meet, set one end of the ribbon on the glue and press, after holding for a  second continue to put glue on the opposite side of where you just were and wrap the ribbon around the section. Then add a tiny bit more glue to the front and finish the wrap. (7) Finish this section by cutting off any extra that might be there and them repeat steps 5-7 on the other side. Your finished product should look like step 8 above. If the headband doesn't turn out how you planned or you don't want to make your own I always have mine on sale 3 headbands for $6 on my Etsy shop. Link below.

If they do turn out and you post them on Instagram or Twitter use the hashtag 
and I can see all of the different ways you made yours work.
                  Well, I'm ready to set sail (and finish up other post for the week),
                                                                                  Ms. Sinking Ship

Saturday, January 31, 2015

My crazy (and exciting) Month,

Hey sailors! (see what I did there? because I'm Ms. Sinking Ship. It sounded like a good idea in my head, I don't know if it actually played out well.) January has been a very busy month and a lot has changed and happened leaving me with little time to finish the blog posts I had been working on, so I apologize for that; But I do have big and exciting news! My Etsy is finally set up and ready to go! If you want to check it out here's the link: 

          I'm still in the process of adding all the listing and finishing up all the maintenance that needs to be done but it is now accessible, and along with that there are many posts to soon come out about new products, DIYs, and more. I'm so excited to finally get everything on a consistent, up and running basis. The first of many posts will be coming out later this week, but while you're waiting for that  you can always check out my Etsy page, the Facebook page, tweet at me, email me, or even comment on my Instagram. I can't wait to see how the rest of the year plays out based on this exciting month and I can't wait to share all of that with you all as well,
 Ready to set sail (and get going),
                                      Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What I Wore Today : 1/6/15,

Today I wore a Sheer Collared shirt, with a floral sheer striped skirt, and ripped tights. I also wore a long Salmon colored cardigan as an over coat but it is not in the drawing.

I wanted to start this on the 1st but I had a few set-backs, no worries now though because it's finally up after a week of trying. I plan to have this segment every day if everything runs smoothly along with the over posts that will be added normally. 
Ready to set sail (and get the new year full of new outfits started),
Ms. Sinking Ship

Friday, January 2, 2015

5 reads for the first Friday: January 2015

The year is starting and that means a fresh slate for any adventure you want to take on, for those adventures I have picked my 5 reads that I am currently reading or have read hat will help you in any incredible journey you want to take on for this new year. They are not in any specific order, other than alphabetical of course.   

1. Handmade to Sell by Hello Craft's Kelly Rand, Christine Ernest, Sara Dick and Kimberly Dorn
    ( hellocraft.com)

At the moment I am a quarter of the way through this book officially, I few months ago I found this book on a shelf  in a Barnes and Noble and fell in love the second I began reading, I quickly found a spot on the floor in-between two shelves to read to my hearts contempt, sadly at the time,  I had only gotten half way through and had to leave without the book being to broke to afford the book; but the book found its way back to me in a package clothing box Christmas Eve. and I have been reading it since. This book is written for people looking to start their own businesses in the craft industry, it is fully of hardy and helpful advice on how to get started and set up a proper foundation to built your business on along with tools for working at craft shows, and presenting your self online. If you are looking to go further with you craft this year I would suggest reading this book before and during the process of growing your craft into a business.

2. Hello Giggles (hellogiggles.com)

Hello Giggles popped up on my newsfeed about a year ago and it seems like the articles were better and better with every post I read, the stories are impacting and hilarious. They are all very pro-women and know exactly what to say when it needs to be said. They report on everything from news to your daily life and all of the articles written leave some kind of mark on you or will enlighten you on something that is going on in the world. On top of that, you as the reader can submit stories that they'll post to the public from the public. To them your opinion matters, so not only will they inform you they'll listen to you too. This year if you need empowerment for your journey or you want to be heard look to Hello Giggles before anywhere else because they always have something to say.

3. Mollie Makes Mag. (Molliemakes.com)

I first found Mollie Makes US Edition in a Walmart around 2 in the morning back in August. I read it all through the store, then bought it, took it home, and read it again when I woke up the next day, after that I looked into the magazine and found the original Mollie Makes along with a few others. Sadly, the US edition is no longer in print, but Mollie Makes is still going strong leaving me excited every month to see what they talk about next. This magazine will inspire any crafter (or anyone honestly) to make, create, travel and explore to their hearts desire. They write articles on everything a crafter might need to know for business, on keeping up with fashion, or on just another crafter it would be fun to look into. Mollie Makes has created the base for an incredible community all over the world, if you ever get the chance this year, just reading one issue will take you on an interesting journey with plenty of patterns and pictures along the way.

4. Nylon Mag. (Nylon.com)

I don't exactly know when or how I found Nylon but I have been reading them consistently for about two years now. They are on here for any adventure you have in fashion, beauty, scrapbooking or art wise. 'Scraping-booking you say? That doesn't fit in with the rest' is most likely what you were thinking and  I know.  The lay out of Nylon is something that makes them so great all in itself, it is put together almost as if it's an artists inspiration book or something, giving it a very edgy but also home-like feel to it every time you look through an issue. It is also a go-to guide for every trend or idea that comes with fashion there is, and on top of that it has awesome articles about a variety of artists and up-and-coming music to give your creative side a different outlook on things. This year if you're looking for ideas on a new direction or maybe just a little change to spice your life up, reading, if only, one issue of Nylon will do the trick.

4. Rookie Mag. or Yearbook 1 and 2  (http://www.rookiemag.com)

I found Rookies second yearbook in a very similar way to how I found 'Handmade to Sell'. The only difference in the story is that this time I finished the book, I sat out in the isle, and when I left I bought the second yearbook along with the first one as soon as I got home. Rookie is laid out similarly to Nylon in a very cute scrapbook type way but, it is also a little different from the rest of the books on this list, Rookie is created as a teenage and young women magazine. Unlike most other magazines for that specific age group though, rookies stories aren't based on how to make a guy love you in a month or filled with 'how to look skinnier with these special tricks' articles. Rookie is created to empower with pro-women articles, interviews with real people, and some awesome snacks recipes for when you get the munchies. Rookie also uses all kinds of girls of all kinds of ages for all of their photo articles. They are a good read for almost any situation and unlike most magazines they are primarily online and post articles daily like a blog, at the end of their year (which is in may) they put together all of the articles and issues and publish them as yearbook, so you can find them in stores as well if you perfer the paper feel of book and they just released their third yearbook if you looking for a book to last you year round. 

I hope you find something intriguing in at least one of these books this year, 
Ready to set sail (and get back to reading), 
                                               Ms. Sinking Ship