Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Books, Haircuts, and Business,

So this post has been written as many different things already but everything sounded weird when written down and I realized it was because you fellows have no idea what is going on in my life anymore. SO, I'll let you in on what's been going on and all of the crazy things that are in motion at this moment.

1. I'm writing a series of books on WattPad
So lately I've been working on a horror/thriller love story on WattPad (sounds kinda messy but it's not that horrible I promise). Along with that story I've been writing another book that is another main characters point of view of the same situations, they are being written at the same time so you can see both reactions and both sides to every situation around the same time. If you are interested in either, there named IdolIzed and Her Eyes, they are updated every Thursday and Wednesday (or that's when they're supposed to be updated. You guys know how awful I am at deadlines).

2. I cut off all my hair
This one was supposed to be an entire entry on it's own but every time I wrote it out, it sounded like an informercial and that was weird, the reason I am writing it in the first place is because of the impact it made on me. I have had my hair short before, but I was young and did not take a lot of care of my hair when it came to doing it, so it was horrible. This is the first time since childhood that I have had it short at all. My hair was below my chest and almost to the end of my back, when I cut it, it came to right above my shoulders I instantly felt some type of relief (mostly because my hair was heavy) but also because I was no longer doing my hair for everyone else it was for me, and as the days grew I became more and more relieved, then I became confident My haircut gave me that pushed I needed to feel free with myself, and to push my self to become more of who I wanted to be. It sounds cliche and even a little bit silly I know, but it's true. It made me feel good and in return I did everything else good as well. 

3. I've been working on getting my business together
As you guys know I am the owner of The KNITche and lately I have been working hard to get it out there and getting things sold. We now have an Etsy, a Facebook, and as of yesterday we now also have an instagram. New things are being made daily and new items are posted as soon as possible after that, so hopefully, with that production rate and all of our out put on social media we should be going at a steady pace soon, a steady pace that I am definitely excited for.

All of this has been keeping me from writing often but so has the fact that I'm not exactly happy with blogger and I feel like my writing is not accomplishing quite what I'm trying to get across, I do enjoy blogging and would like to continue to do so, but with all of that in might at the moment, I might not post as frequently as I would in other situations. I hope you understand and continue to enjoy the blog even with these minor setbacks.
- ready to set sail,
                          Ms. Sinking Ship