Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Another thought to jot, (the last didn't end well) 9.30

The last thought I had about painting knits did not go well.. It went gross actually. After I've found to have quite the case artists block, for work anyways. Until today I've done nothing for a week and that has cause my brain chaos. A few moments ago I was flipping through Pinterest and I stumbled upon a little girl wearing a dress that was a tutu and a little elastic top for an extreme price. I decided it would be a cute project to try to add in crochet and my flowers as well so that's what I will be working on and hopefully pictures will come from this because last time I forgot.
      Ready to set sail (and working again),
                    Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The best way to find things,

As a creative person, I often go looking for things : inspirations, marketing tips, learning how to do things and so on. People will always tell you to go to youtube that's the one place you'll always find things, I disagree. Youtube is great for many things but, finding exactly what you need in a timely manner not always so much. I've found that the best place to find things for a creative mind is Pinterest, it identifies key words, almost always has multiple options for what you are looking and 95 percent of it is more reliable that gritty video you've spent 10 minutes trying to watch because you couldn't find the better version (because it has give you the best youtube version there). Youtube is definitely a great source and a last resource go to for everything but always try Pinterest first, it saves time and frustration, which if you are like me could use a lot less of.
                     Ready to set sail (and help you save those 10 minutes),
                                                                      Ms. Sinking Ship

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Inspiration in an artillery base, A trip to the museum

Today, I went on to the base that is connected to my town and took a quick trip to the artillery museum; what I found was an extraordinary amount of inspiration I was not expecting. A beautifully aged car, a piece of the Berlin wall and an old war pillow that just caught my eye a little to well. I found it all to be educating on a history level but also, inspiring in a new light I would love to create and maybe embroider a pillow that looks similar to above and the Berlin wall is such an artisic kiss off to the government that I can't handle the excitement and momentum to work it brings to me. As for the car, I have a love for odd antiques and old cars is definetly one of them. I own a not so antique '87 ford and it is a very large love and inspiration of mine, so seeing a beauty like the pontiac above makes me want to scream from the roof top (especially,  since it's a favorite color of mine.) All of these things gave me a few ideas that I can't wait to start.
                  Ready to set sail (and work),
                              Ms. Sinking Ship!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A quick thought to jot,

I've been thinking a lot into trying to paint on some extra squares of crochet I have. If all works right it'll seem together to create enigmatic (word of the day) colors, though I'm afraid of the mess it might create, (I'm good at creating not so much cleaning) I plan to try tonight and if all goes well pictures will be up soon. 
    Ready to set sail and paint the sky,
             Ms. Sinking Ship

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Into the fashion glass

First off don't judge my title.. I'm working on it. Second of all, this might not stay up any ways, I'm indecisive if I want this to be the first fashion post or not. I'm very intrigued (overly obsessed if you've seen my fashion pinterest board) with things like pastel goth and grunge. My outfit was inspired by that and my love for Alice in Wonderland. I wore a Disney Alice in Wonderland sweater and Disney Alice in wonderland tights, in between those I wore a longish black circle skirt at my waist. I found this outfit to unexpectedly comfortable and was fun to wear as well. 
Ready to set sail (and fall into a rabbit hole), Ms. Sinking Ship

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thrifty finds 8.21

This week on my way to buy supplies for a job, the mother and I(my little sister as well)  saw a yard sale and had to stop to look. I found quite the haul, and plenty of things I can not wait to use in products and DIY for you guys.

These jars are something I'm very excited for i plane on covering the pictures with chap paint and covering the lid with flowers and things to create a very cute new modern and sweet jar to hold a variety of things. I'll definitely be posting them up soon as a finished product along with the many other things these things i found will create. the glass jar was full of gorgeous vintage buttons and the pink box vintage handmade hair bows even that i need to find something to do with.  
    well, I'm ready to set sail - Ms. Sinking Ship.

A cute weekend work (from 8.17.14)

Saturday morning I had an idea, you know one of those off the wall random in the middle of doing something ideas? Well, it was one of those so I  finished what I was doing and I pulled out all of my yarn, ribbons, and craft-y  knickknacks and I got to work, making a medium sized crochet and felt teddy bear all the way down to the hand-embroidered nose. After I'm finished it will have a bow beside it's ear and a big one for another person to match it as well but i'm over half way there and ready finish this project up. (:  if you want to get a better look or even buy one you can go here :
          ready to set sail - Ms. Sinking Ship

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

A welcome and An Explanation!

Ahoy! You might have followed my blog before you might have not. I recently moved over from weekly because I didn't like how they were set up I will soon carry over those blog posts and many more that were in the process of being made. I'm sorry for the inconvenience of the change of site. There are still many things to be done to this blog to make it a nice as the last ( though it wasn't that nice any ways if were being honest. ) So, be prepared and keep looking for the great changes and updates to come. I'm so excited to further our voyage even if it was set off track, I'll talk to you all soon.
                  So ready to set sail, Ms. Sinking Ship