Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Thing Everyone Seems to Miss About the #dontjudgechallenge

So the basis of the #don'tjudge or #dontjudgemechallenge is not to judge a book by its cover, many people how ever are seeming to miss or forget the examples that are commonly used to teach CHILDREN what that means, there are many people groaning and moaning over this challenge because they claim it's calling people with acne, glasses, etc. ugly, but if we thing of the original meaning of the phrase it is doing quite the contrary. 

As a child growing up your taught this phrase and the most common example people use to teach this is stories like the ugly duckling or to think of some 'nerdy' or less then average person and then to always be nice to that person because even thought they have their less than perfect qualities now, someday they might not be that way, And that is exactly what these videos do, they aren't calling anyone ugly or saying that these things are bad (to be literal they don't say anything at all), the only people that are doing so, are the ones trying to critique these videos. Instead, these videos are showing the example we are taught, in the beginning they are normal or not the most attractive but after a period of time and 'treatments' or whatever, they turn out to not be that way in the end. They grow and change into something people swoon over instead of being who they were before. They are trying to show that you should care for them one way because they might be other eventually. 

I'm not saying we should praise the videos because there are other ways to show this, but we should definitely not look so poorly on them because the original intentions of the videos were good.
Ready to set sail (and get off the soap box),
                                                   Ms. Sinking Ship

P.S. Fun back to school stuff is coming soon!

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